Country Crock Shedd's Spread Vegetable Oil Spread, 60%

New Look! Great for baking and cooking. 0 g trans fat per serving. 60% less saturated fat than butter. See nutrition information for fat and saturated fat content. Not a low saturated fat food. Contains 2.5 g saturated fat per serving. Country Fresh Taste. Great for baking & cooking to give your recipes a delicious country fresh taste! Great for baking and cooking. Visit us at No cholesterol. 100% less cholesterol than butter. Compare for Yourself: Per Serving: Calories: Country Crock Sticks 80; Butter: 100. Fat: Country Crock Sticks 8 g; Butter 11 g; Sat Fat: Country Crock Sticks 2.5 g; Butter 7 g; Trans Fat: Country Crock Sticks 0 g; Butter 0 g; Cholesterol: Country Crock Sticks 0 mg; Butter 30 mg.